Today Kimmy, Unity, and I worked on a lab called Heat Shields, Where we worked on constructing a shield that would protect a makeshift space craft. We had to apply conduction, convection, and Radiation and build the shield with tin foil, screen door,and some screws.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
Mission To Mars Lab Term 2 #3
Today Anja, Unity, and I worked on a lab called impact craters where we used a bouncy ball and a bucket of flour to demonstrate how craters are made and the impact they will have depending on the on the place it fell from. Each time we would drop the ball from a different height it would have a different impact.

Friday, December 14, 2007
Mission To Mars Lab Term 2 #2
Today Hannah, Cece, and I worked on a lab called Motors. We learned how to create a motor with a Battery, a straw, and some wire. We attached the wire (which was wrapped around the staw) to a battery with tape. then after a couple secconds the wire heated up and wen we stuck a needle inside it, the energy pushed it back out.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Mission To Mars Lab Term 2 #1
Today for labs Clara, Emma, and I worked on a project called Body Power. We pretty much caculated how fast we burn calories in a day by taking pulses and doing jumoing jaxz. (don't ask) Any ways we had to cauclate our BEE (Basal Energy Expenditure) RHR (Resting Heart Rate) WHR (Working heart Rate) and a bunch of other stuff. So it was fun it will help us learn how well we will survive on Mars!!!
Friday, November 9, 2007
Talkin Bought Planets
Friday, November 2, 2007
Culmination Preperation

For the past couple of day me and unity ave been working on our pre culmination work, we are part of group B1 and we are working on launching objects 15 feet into the air using the lever/catupult shown below and so far we are doing pretty good on the first day we were just testing and trying to figure out what we were doing but now on the 3rd day after many trys we succseefully landed the eraser into a basket from fifteen feet away!!!!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Mission To Mars Lab #6
Today I worked with Sam and Unity on Recovery Systems, and our task was to create a working parachute that would safely land a sand bag to the ground.The relation to Newtons 3rd law = Balance between Gravity pulling down and Air pushing
Monday, October 22, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
Lab #4
For my forth lab I worked with Unity and Emma S. What we did was, we had a robot that we had to program to do certain tasks, Such as pick this up, turn around, bring this back, etc. We did this using RoboLab which as you probably guessed is a robotics and programing... program. My group successfully finished our tasks. And in the end everything work just fine. LOL
Lab # 3
For my third lab I worked with Sam and Lilly. What we did was have a conference call on Skype which is a computer program were you can talk to someone in another room, state, etc. Our task was to build a piece of a robot and then describe to a partner how to build a different robot. I think this relates to our mission to mars project because we might have to do something similar to this when we are on mars and we have to complete tasks like this one but bigger. So I think that this was good practice.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Playing on the moon
If you were playing soccer on the moon and the acceleration due to gravity was 1.6m/s2 it would be very different from playing on earth where the a=9.8m/s2. First of all you wuld weigh less and you would be and if you to jump you would stay in the air for a while. and when you kick the ball because of Newton's first law you would be trown back a little bit and the ball would be thrown out a long way and it would take longer to land because there is not a lot of force pushing on it. Those are some of the differences you would see if you were playing soccer on the moon.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Mission to Mars, Lab #2
For my second mission to mars lab I worked with Kimmy and Honore to build a robot that could go forward, backward, etc. and also to pick up the object that was placed in front of it. When we put it together we started at the base and worked out. First we put together all the wheels which kind of related to Newton's first law, (for every action there is and equal and opposite reaction) because at first all the wheels were turning in different directions so the car was just going in a circle. then we made the arm but the hardest part was putting everything together because sometimes thing didn't always go together, but eventually we finished and our project was successful..!!!
Mission to Mars, Lab #1
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Bernoulli's Law Example
For my Bernoulli's Law example I took a scarf and tied two bracelets on either side. I then held it up by the and made sure that the two bracelets were not touching. Then by either blowing or using something like a hair dryer aim and blow directly in the middle of the two bracelets were the fast moving fluid (air) is. Then the two bracelets should come toghter and hit each other.
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